3 stars
A very cute book all about Unikitty. This book goes through the basic plot of The Lego Movie while following Unikitty and her part in the story. Various aspects of the story are presented such as Unikitty’s castle, what happens when she’s angry, and the team’s epic battle to bring down Lord Business. One of the things I really liked about this book was the creative formatting used. Some pages are just straight text with a picture while others utilize other forms of media such as diagrams, newspaper stories, lists, and interviews. This is such a creative way for keeping kids interested in a book. At the end of the book is a Glossary, which gives simple definitions of new words in the book. A very nice addition for teaching new vocabulary. The book is broken down into chapters, which are all about a page long. This is a DK Readers 1 book, which are short and simple for beginning readers. There is also a Guide for Parents in the back of the book that give tips on how to engage children in reading. Overall, I liked the book. It is everything Unikitty.