4 stars

A well-written book that takes some big topics and simplifies them for a young audience. Systemic racism can be a big idea that’s hard to wrap your head around, especially when you aren’t used to trying to see it or when it’s easier to ignore. This book helps kids and adults alike understand and recognize the effects of systemic racism and how it is present in the everyday lives of people of color.

This book offers definitions and examples as a way to make readers more mindful and better at recognizing systemic racism in real life as well as the effects it has. Thierry gives various examples from his own life that would be relatable to kids such as not seeing people of color in media and getting in trouble or being judged more hardly than white peers.

This is the first A Kids Book About book I’ve read, but it bodes well for the rest of the series. Simple yet informative for a good introduction of a difficult topic.
