Illustrated by Sally Chen
3 stars
Nolan is excited to attend a friend’s birthday party at the roller rink. They pick out the perfect outfit and are ready for the festivities. But when the DJ announces “boys skate” and “girls skate”, Nolan doesn’t feel they belong.
Based on a true story, this book is nice reminder to examine the ways we separate children (and people in general) unnecessarily.
I love that Nolan was able to speak up for themself. I also love their friend’s matter-of-fact correction when another party-going says they didn’t think she was inviting “boys”.
Lovely artwork with bright, fun colors and great detailed character designs. There are a wide variety of characters presented including people with different skin colors and hair colors, styles, and textures, as well as characters with vitiligo and wearing hijab.
A sweet, simple story with a beautiful message of unity and togetherness at the end.