4 stars

Another winner from Brosgol!

In this part-memoir graphic novel, Brosgol tackles her time at Russian summer camp, complete with mean tent-mates, horrific outhouses (aka the Hollywood), new friends, run-ins with wild animals, camp competitions, reluctantly getting caught up in drama, and the desire to belong. Brosgol doesn’t shy away from some of the less-than-pleasant aspects of summer camp, with often humorous results.

As always, Brosgol’s artwork is fantastic, wonderfully capturing the emotion of each scene. I loved all the little details thrown in. The artwork is colored using black, white, and green, which fits nicely with the summer camp theme.

Humorous, relatable, insightful, and fun. Through the story of a summer at camp, Brosgol shares some of the lessons she learn through her own experiences such as the right (and wrong) ways to makes friends, perspective-taking, and making the best of any situation.

A fun tromp through the woods, especially for anyone who finds summer camp isn’t their thing.
