4 stars

So happy I finally got to read this! Another adorable, fantastic volume. The story picks up right where the last volume ended (that cliffhanger from book one still gets me).

The second volume deals more with Nick’s journey to figuring out his identity, and Charlie’s amazing supportiveness along the way. <3 Plus, we get to see more of Charlie’s friends, including Elle who happens to be my fav!

As with the first book, I love the overall positivity and support. Each character faces hardships, including dealing with small-minded jerks, but there’s at least one person to help them along the way. Whether a parent, a sibling, or some great friends, it’s so wonderful to see characters in supportive environments.

So glad I got volume 3 at the same time as volume 2 because I need to dive back into Charlie and Nick’s world. Such a sweet story with an ending that’s got me reaching for the next volume.
