5 stars
Ever read a book and get frustrated by the silly choices the main character makes? Ever wish the character had just killed off the antagonist instead of drawing out the problem? This novel scratches that itch and it was so satisfying.
A fascinating exploration of the twisted road one’s life can take based on the choices one makes.
At first, I wasn’t so sure how I felt about a serial killer version of Jane Eyre. While I love retellings, serial killers aren’t really my thing. But Faye executed it (pun intended) perfectly. Rather than a strict “retelling”, this story instead offers a fun alternative to the Jane Eyre story.
After reading the popular Jane Eyre novel, Jane Steele is surprised to find many parallels between her own life and the life of the Jane in the novel. However, based on her own choices, her life ends up drastically different than Eyre’s.
Well written with some truly wonderful characters. Faye nicely mirrors Bronte’s writing style, adding her own wit, humor, and satirical twists along the way.
When I first read Jane Eyre in high school, I, like so many, fell in love with Edward Rochester. This reimagining of the story provides a great alternative, begging the question, what if Mr. Rochester wasn’t absolutely terrible? Charles Thornfield is just the feminist love interest Jane Steele deserves.
A fun read that nicely blends romance, mystery, historical fiction, and satire into a truly entertaining read. Great for fans of the original Jane Eyre novel that are craving some feminist rage.