Cardboard is awesome for crafting, because it is so versatile. Unfortunately, thick cardboard is not always visually pleasing.This doesn’t look all that pretty. So here’s how to turn this……into this.
Thin paper bags (think gift/wine bags rather than grocery bags)
Whatever cardboard you’re trying to make look pretty
1. Cut the paper bag into strips. Measure out the length your need to cover the side and fold the strip in half lengthwise.
2. Glue, glue, glue. Add lots of glue.
3. Wrap the strip over the edge of the cardboard. You can add more glue as needed and smooth it out using your finger or a paintbrush.
4. Continue on all exposed edges.
5. To smooth out the corners, cut a very short strip.
6. Then glue strips onto each side until they meet at the corner and form a nice point.