Illustrated by Brenda Hickey

3.5 stars

Learn about some of the lost legends of Equestria. As Sunburst explores Star Swirl the Bearded’s study, he finds previously unknown legends written by the famous wizard himself. Diving into the stories, he learns of Equestria’s history and its secrets.

The six stories center around the Elements of Virtue: strength, bravery, healing, beauty, hope, and sorcery. Each has its own lesson such as the importance of listening to others, keeping a work/life balance, and having compassion. My favorite stories were about Somnambula, Mage Meadowbrook, and Mistmane. We also learn more about Flash Magnus, Rockhoof, Star Swirl the Bearded.

Nice artwork that matches the action and humor of the My Little Pony universe.

Would definitely recommend this for fans already familiar with the show, especially with the basics of the Pillars of the Pony World.

Though there is a simple frame story that connects the legends together, this volume ends on quite the cliffhanger. Interested to learn of Sunburst’s revelations in the second volume.
