3 stars
A good follow up to the first book. This one starts off right where the last one ended.
I was glad to see new characters and situations in this one. It is a completely new adventure while continuing elements and themes found in the previous book. While there are some explanations of what happened in the first book, this one is definitely best read after having read the first one rather than as a standalone.
Overall, the book was good with some interesting new concepts. I really enjoyed exploring the worlds under the water with the characters. It was interesting to see the evolving relationships between humans and jumbies, travel beyond the island, and get a fuller sense of the world that Corinne lives in.
I did feel the ending was kind of rushed. It wasn’t well-explained and didn’t necessarily feel “realistic”. Yes, I know this is a fantasy novel, but it all wrapped up so quickly and easily, which kind of pulled me out of the story. With so much buildup and drawn out scenes leading up to it, the quick resolution felt like a result of running out of time/space and needing a short ending, which made the story feel unbalanced.
Still, for the most part, I enjoyed the book and am planning to read the third one in the series.