This is a great way to add some color and decorations to your bookshelves.
Decorative sand/filler
Glass jar
Modge Podge
Pens/writing utensils
Decorative paper
Paper for quote
Optional: funnel (can also just use paper)
1. Cover the lid of your jar with decorative pape. For the full tutorial, click here.
2. Measure out how much paper you need for the front of your jar. This is where your quote/decoration will go. You can position this so it covers up any glue residue from the original label.
3. Decorate your paper with a quote or other bookish design.
4. Put your funnel in the opening of the bottle.
5. Now fill the jar with sand. If you have enough to fill the jar entirely, you can make patterns and designs with various colored sand and it should stay relatively well.Otherwise, you can just add one color like I did. You can also mix in other decorative items such as stones, beads, sequins, etc.
6. Use the Modge Podge to put the quote on the front of the bottle.