Sorry I have not posted any craft tutorials in a while. I got a new laptop and it took longer than expected to set up (mostly because I am incompetent with technology). The good news is that I was still crafting when I wasn’t posting so there are plenty of tutorials to come.
To tide you over, here is an easy craft for making upcycled hair clips with sweet stickers.
Large sticker
Thin cardboard (like from a cracker box)
Hot glue gun and glue
Mod Podge (optional)
Wire (I used the handle of a Chinese takeout box)
Piece of ribbon and a clip
Note: If you want a flat clip (not rounded to fit over a ponytail, you can skip the wire steps (3-7). The wire insert works really well if you’re using a large sticker, but it’s not necessary for small stickers.
1. Apply your sticker to the cardboard.
2. Carefully, cut the cardboard around the sticker.
3. Cut a second piece of cardboard that is the same size as the first.
4. Use the pliers to bend the wire into a rectangular shape that fits onto the second piece of cardboard.
5. Hot glue the wire to the second piece of cardboard.
6. Now hot glue the mounted sticker onto the second piece of cardboard so that the wire is between the two pieces. You can clean up the edges by putting tape over the if you would like.
7. Bend the sticker to the desired shape.
8. Hot glue the ribbon into a loop and attach to the back of the cardboard. From here you can attach a clip as show in Option 2.