Ham Helsing: Vampire Hunter (Ham Helsing #1) by Rich Moyer

2 stars Ham Helsing comes from a long line of daring vampire hunters. After his older brother dies in a tragic wingsuit accident, he takes up the family mantle and sets out to defeat a vampire. Along the way, he encounters a ninja pig, a were-boy, a robot knight, and many more interesting characters. Figure…

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Day of the Living Liv (Spirited #1) by Liv Livingston

Illustrated by Anna Volcan 2 stars Some dynamics of school stay the same no matter where you are. Feeling like an outsider, getting used to new teachers, and the quandary of where to sit in the cafeteria. These are true even if your school is attended by ghosts, werewolves, and vampires. This is a pretty…

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Death by Dumpling (Noodle Shop Mystery #1) (Audiobook)

by Vivien Chien Narrated by Cheryl May 2 stars A fine cozy mystery. I enjoyed this well enough and appreciated the spin on the genre. I do think it kind of dragged by the end but it works fine as a relatively quick, low-stakes read. I listened to the audiobook though and the narrator did…

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A Friend for Henry by Jenn Bailey

Illustrated by Mika Song 2 stars A story about a boy looking for a friend at school who is quiet, shares, listens, and follows the rules. While it is started in the blurb that Henry is autistic, it does not make mention in the actual story as the author wanted the story to be more…

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Disney Frankenstein, Starring Donald Duck

by Bruno Enna Illustrated by Fabio Celoni Translated by Tea Orsi 2 stars An interesting Disneyification of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. This version tones down some of the darker elements of the original such as Victor von Duckenstein making his creation out of cardboard and everyone surviving relatively unscathed. Victor is certainly more redeemable in this…

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My Bunkmate Hates Puppies (Camp Lil’Vills #1) by Sam Hay

Illustrated by Ria Maria Lee 2 stars Welcome to Lilliputian Villages Summer Camp a.k.a. Camp Lil’Vills where there are plenty of magical surprises in store for the campers. Bloom, the daughter of an ex-evil sorcerer, helps new campers settle in. But when she meets her new bunkmate, Cruella, she’s unsure if camp is the right…

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Communism for Kids by Bini Adamczak

Translated by Jacob Blumenfeld and Sophie Lewis 2 stars An interesting little book that presents political and economic ideas in a simplistic fashion. Through short, humorous stories, Adamczak introduces concepts such as capitalism, communism, work, the market, and crisis. Then she goes through different executions of what communism could look like, following each to their…

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