The Book That Almost Rhymed by Omar Abed

Illustrated by Hatem Aly 5 stars Hilarious and heartwarming. A sweet adventure told with creativity and humor that celebrates the ups and downs of sibling relationships. The narrator wants to share his perfectly rhyming story, but his sister comes along and changes his words. The new story takes them to unexpected places with unforeseen obstacles,…

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Coretta: The Autobiography of Mrs. Coretta Scott King

by Coretta Scott King with the Reverend Dr. Barbara Reynolds Adapted by Julia Sooy Illustrated by Ekua Holmes 5 stars A powerful adaptation of King’s memoir in a format suitable for young readers. I love to see so many more books focusing on the life and work of Coretta Scott King. The book covers King’s…

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Mid-Air by Alicia D. Williams

Illustrated by Danica Novgorodoff 5 stars I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The novel-in-verse genre at its finest. I absolutely loved this book. Well-written with engaging characters, powerful themes, and a wonderful story. Includes themes of friends growing apart, loss, grief, guilt, racism, crushes, masculinity, family, and societal expectations. There was…

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Butterfly on the Wind by Adam Pottle

Illustrated by Ziyue Chen 3.5 stars A sweet story of the strength of community and the power of individuals. It’s the day before the talent show and Aurora is nervous to perform. She manifests a butterfly using ASL, which travels the world, inspiring Deaf children to add to the flurry of butterflies. They make their…

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Time to Make Art by Jeff Mack

4 stars An engaging tour through the ages, celebrating art from around the world. Follow a young artist as she questions what makes art, how to create it, and how long it takes. Her questions are answered by famous artists throughout history, from Frida Kahlo to the sculptors of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent,…

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What Is a Solar Eclipse? by Dana Meachen Rau

Illustrated by Gregory Copeland 3 stars A nice overview of what causes a solar eclipse as well as the basic movements of the earth and moon. Straightforward information with simplified explanations. I especially enjoyed the sections on how eclipses have been interpreted in different parts of the world throughout history and different ways of tracking…

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Only: The Bird Who Liked Being Alone

by Airlie Anderson 5 stars Another great picture book from Anderson with lovely messages about accepting differences and celebrating all. The artwork is lovely. Whimsical and fun. Wonderful emphasis on personal preferences and the difference between being alone and being lonely. It was also nice to see representation of how preferences can change depending on…

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Decentering Whiteness in Libraries: A Framework for Inclusive Collection Management Practices

by Andrea Jamison 5 stars Well-written and easy to understand. A fantastic resource for anyone involved in collection development and policy writing in libraries. The book centers around Jamison’s collection development policy inclusivity tool, J-MOD, which tracks the use and frequency of various words related to diversity and inclusivity. There are detailed instructions for using…

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Eyes That Weave the World’s Wonders by Joanna Ho with Liz Kleinrock

Illustrated by Dung Ho 5 stars Another lush, heartwarming, gorgeous read from Joanna Ho and Dung Ho. Through poetic text, the narrator describes how her eyes are different from her adoptive family’s and how their loves connects them. It explores the narrator’s relationship with her adoptive father and mother, and her curiosity about her birth…

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