Stacey Speaks Up by Stacey Abrams

Illustrated by Kitt Thomas 5 stars Another powerful story from Abrams. After witnessing a classmate have to give his tray back when he can’t pay for lunch at school, Stacey decides to do something about it with the help of her friends and family. Even though public speaking makes Stacey uncomfortable, she knows using her…

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Monster Cats Vol. 1 by Pandania

Translated by Minna Lin 4 stars I really enjoyed the first volume and the second one did not disappoint. Adorable, humorous slice-of-life moments between mysterious monster cats and the humans in their lives. See what’s happening with some of the cats from the first volume, and meet new monster cats including a gnome, a banshee,…

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Monster Hands by Karen Kane and Jonaz McMillan

Illustrated by Dion MBD 4 stars An adorable story of bravery, friendship, and helping others. Milo thinks there is a monster under his bed. He asks his best friend across the street for help. Luckily, Mel knows just what to do. Together, Milo and Mel use shadows to scare the monster away. Nicely written. A…

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My Little Pony: Kenbucky Roller Derby

by Casey Gilly and Amy Chase Illustrated by Natalie Haines and Kate Sherron 4 stars A fun standalone adventure featuring ponified roller derby and the Make Your Mark cast. Sunny dreams of joining a roller derby team, but after being rejected by the Sandy Shore Slammers, a team that is mean, unhelpful, and overly competitive,…

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Into the Goblin Market by Vikki VanSickle

Illustrated by Jensine Eckwall 5 stars Lyrical, magical, and a powerful homage to sisterhood. A captivating read inspired by Christina Rossetti’s poem, “Goblin Market”. Rather than adapting or retelling Rossetti’s lengthy original, VanSickle’s version introduces a new set of sisters, Millie and Mina, and a fantastical market filled with tempting treats, eerie songs, and enticing…

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Beanie the Bansheenie by Eoin Colfer

Illustrated by Steve McCarthy 5 stars The sweetest book about banshees that I have ever read. Bansheenies (baby banshees) typically bond with the first person they see, allowing them to learn when that person will die. Through happenstance, Beanie’s story is not quite so straightforward. Instead of simply telling her human, Rose, when her death…

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The Book of Bill by Alex Hirsch

5 stars Strike a deal with Bill and dive in to learn secrets never yet revealed. A sinister book that brings you face-to-face with the elusive Bill after the events of Weirdmageddon. This book really delivers. It’s everything you’d expect from Bill. Creepiness, humor, mystery. Hilarious and nightmare-inducing. The Gravity Falls finale left us all…

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Simone by Viet Thanh Nguyen

Illustrated by Minnie Phan 5 stars A remarkable story of bravery, hope, and working toward a better future. Set during the 2020 California wildfires, the story follows Simone as she and her mother evacuate. Though Simone is scared, her mother helps calm her by recounting her own evacuation during a flood in Viet Nam. Using…

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