Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol

4 stars Another winner from Brosgol! In this part-memoir graphic novel, Brosgol tackles her time at Russian summer camp, complete with mean tent-mates, horrific outhouses (aka the Hollywood), new friends, run-ins with wild animals, camp competitions, reluctantly getting caught up in drama, and the desire to belong. Brosgol doesn’t shy away from some of the…

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The Cardboard Kingdom (The Cardboard Kingdom #1) by Chad Sell, Jay Fuller, David Demeo, Katie Schenkel, Manuel Betancourt, Molly Muldoon, Vid Alliger, Cloud Jacobs, Michael Cole, Barbara Perez Marquez, & Kris Moore

4 stars Ten authors pair up with Chad Sell to create interconnected stories from the world of the Cardboard Kingdom. Sell does the artwork throughout, giving it consistency while letting the characters and authors shine. Reality and fantasy converge as the neighborhood kids play their way through summer, making new connections and learning lessons along…

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Bharatanatyam in Ballet Shoes by Mahak Jain, Illustrated by Anu Chouhan

4 stars A delightful picture book that tackles some unique themes. Throughout the story Paro has some big feelings including anxiety about not fitting in or being good enough and feeling conflicted about her dance interests. The ending was spectacular, demonstrating the beauty of two seemingly-conflicting styles coming together, their intersection, and the strength of…

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All You Need by Howard Schwartz, Illustrated by Jasu Hu

4 stars A delightfully simple story that lists what humans need in splendid poetic style. Through the illustrations, the reader watches a life unfold. Jasu Hu pulls from her own life story and depicts her artistic journey, celebrating homecoming, happiness, and the cyclical nature of love and life. Though it is simple, it is beautiful….

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What Will My Story Be? by Nidhi Chanani

4 stars A beautifully-crafted tale of the power of sharing stories. Chanani’s book celebrates creativity, imagination, inspiration, and the wisdom passed down through stories. It basks in the potential of words and lets their stories blossom and unfold. The main character both learns from the past and looks into the future to create her own…

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Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez, Illustrated by Danica Brine

4 stars A sweet, adorable tale about cooking, finding your passions, gaining confidence, and always having friends by your side. Such a cute story. Melendez provides a fresh, fun look at life after college complete with the struggles of finding a job, dealing with overbearing parents, new crushes, and fights with friends. Plenty of romantic…

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