Remember by Joy Harjo

Illustrated by Michaela Goade 5 stars A truly beautiful book. This picture book adaptation of Joy Harjo’s poem, “Remember”, adds stunning illustrations to a powerful piece that highlights the interconnectedness of the natural world. Goade’s artwork is absolutely stunning. Wonderful use of color and imagery. Each page is a treat. The book wonderfully depicts themes…

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The Legend of Grimm’s Woods (Hocus & Poucs #1)

by Manuro Illustrated by Gorobei Translated by Mélanie Strang-Hardy 3.5 stars A fun adventure that puts you in charge of where to go next. Follow either Hocus or Pocus as they explore Grimm’s Woods in search of missing children. Along the way, you’ll collect stars, answer riddles, play games, and keep your magical creature fed…

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Sir Ladybug (Sir Ladybug #1) by Corey R. Tabor

4 stars An adorable adventure of new friendships, open communication, compromise, helping others, and doing what scares you. Sir Ladybug and his herald, Pell, and squire, Sterling, are called upon to help a caterpillar in distress. But will a hungry chickadee be the end of our heroes? Fun humor with plenty of puns and jokes….

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Storyteller Skye: Teaching from My Ojibway Grandfather

by Lindsay Christina King Illustrated by Carolyn Frank 5 stars Such a wonderful read! At the start, we are introduced to Skye, who shares stories from her grandfather about the natural world. They explain the origins of animal characteristics such as raccoon’s black mask, beaver’s large teeth, and rabbit’s long ears. Each story ends with…

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If Sharks Disappeared by Lily Williams

4 stars In this nonfiction picture book, Williams discusses the role of sharks in the oceans and what could possibly happen if sharks went extinct. Wonderful to see sharks presented beyond a scary element. The text is simple, breaking down a complex system into something more easily digestible for a young audience. There are more…

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Diana: Princess of the Amazons (Diana #1)

by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale Illustrated by Victoria Ying 3 stars A story of friendship and belonging with an incredible all-female assemble. Diana is the only child on the island of Themyscira. When she was little, that made her feel special. But now… she’s just lonely. Caught between being too young and too old,…

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Marshmallow & Jordan by Alina Chau

4 stars A passionate athlete, a mysterious elephant, a prolonged drought, and a new interest that may divide friendships. When Jordan can no longer compete on the basketball team, she tries out water polo. But doing so means Jordan has to choose between getting better at water polo or keeping up with her friends on…

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The Girl Who Married a Skull and Other African Stories

3 stars I recently read The Woman in the Woods and Other North American Stories and absolutely loved it. So, I thought I’d read some of the earlier collections in the series. What I loved about The Woman in the Woods is that it showcases a variety of indigenous authors and artists. As far as I can…

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Dungeon Critters by Natalie Riess and Sara Goetter

5 stars Action, adventure, mystery, drama, humor, and a bit of adorable romance. This Dungeons-and-Dragons-style book has it all! Enter the fantasy world of an unnamed kingdom and join a group of friends on their quest to discover the truth behind an odd plant. This book was so much fun. Filled with supportive friendships, action…

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Keepunumuk: Weeâchumun’s Thanksgiving Story

by Danielle Greendeer, Anthony Perry, and Alexis Bunten Illustrated by Garry Meeches Sr. 5 stars A beautiful telling of the story of Keepunumuk, the time of harvest. It focuses on the relationship between humans and the natural world, specifically the Three Sisters as well as the animals. The book opens with a brief intro about…

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