The Golden Dreidel by Ellen Kushner

3 stars A fun adventure featuring demons, riddles, magic, new friends, and a few lessons. Sara has a hard time finding her place at the family Chanukah party. She’s too old for the little kids, ignored by the teens, and doesn’t get along with her brother and the cousins her age. After an unfortunate mishap,…

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Witch Hazel by Molly Idle

5 stars An absolutely beautiful story, both visually and in its content, that explores loss, memory, and time spent together. Gentle and slow, this lovely book celebrates the connection between grandmother and granddaughter, passing on stories and making new memories. Poetic wordplay and soft, rounded illustrations make for a soothing reading experience. The artwork is…

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Li’l Rabbit’s Kwanzaa by Donna L. Washington

Illustrated by Shane W. Evans 4 stars A sweet picture book celebrating Kwanzaa. Li’l Rabbit’s Granna is sick and his family is too busy taking care of her to put together their Karamu feast. Li’l Rabbit sets out to find a special Zawadi for her and ends up making an extra special Kwanzaa for them…

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The Sister Who Ate Her Brothers and Other Gruesome Tales

by Jen Campbell, Illustrated by Adam de Souza 5 stars A delightfully dark collection of tales spanning the globe. From Korea and Japan to Norway and Ireland to Nigeria and South Africa. A nice selection, all with a gruesome or spooky leaning. I especially enjoyed that Campbell’s selection highlighted many brave, creative, clever, and quick…

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Mushroom Rain by Laura K. Zimmermann

Illustrated by Jamie Green 5 stars Delightfully lyrical and beautifully illustrated, this captivating picture book takes the reader on a journey through the world of mushrooms. The book is simple but each page in a work of art. A perfect introduction for those fascinated by mushrooms. The text describes the look, scent, and behavior of…

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Aster and the Accidental Magic (Aster #1) by Thom Pico

Illustrated by Karensac 5 stars A fantastic adventure with some serious Hildafolk vibes and a charm all its own. As a sort of inverse to Hilda, the sassy and sarcastic Aster moves from the city to what she sees as the boring wilderness with nothing to do. However, this wilderness is not all it seems. As Aster…

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The Tin Forest by Helen Ward

Illustrated by Wayne Anderson 5 stars A wonderful book with a sweet story of hope and imagination. Ward’s lyrical text tells the tale of a man who lives alone in a place filled with waste. Each night he dreams of a tropical forest swarming with life, but each morning he awakes to the world of…

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Chibi Usagi: Attack of the Heebie Chibis by Julie and Stan Sakai

3 stars A cute rendition of Usagi Yojimbo complete with Miyamoto Usagi in chibi form along with Chibi Tomoe and Chibi Gen. The three friends meet a dogu and help save the dogu village from the evil Salamander King. Nice story of friendship and helping others. Also includes some interactive and educational materials at the…

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It’s Raining Pigs & Noodles by Jack Prelutsky, Illustrated by James Stevenson

4 stars Another fun collection from Prelutsky, complete with wonderful illustrations from James Stevenson. Filled with silly tales told with Prelutsky’s characteristic wit, wordplay, and flowing style. I especially enjoyed the visual poems such as the spiral formation of “I Am Stuck Inside a Seashell”, the fading text of “Hello and Good-Bye”, the back and forth…

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