The Night Before Eid: A Muslim Family Story

by Aya Khalil Illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh 4 stars A delightfully sweet story filled with love, tradition, ingenuity, and genericity. Zain is excited to share his family’s ka’ak with his classmates. Together with his mother and grandmother, he prepares the treats, learning about their history and adding his own spin to tradition. The illustrations are…

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The Sheep, the Rooster, and the Duck by Matt Phelan

3 stars A tale of secret societies, spies, fantastic inventions, and flight. Adventure, humor, and history combine as the story interworks historical events with fantastical elements. A fun blend of text and illustrations to advance the story. A historical flight taken by a sheep, a rooster, and a duck; a plot to steal the plans…

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An American Story by Kwame Alexander

Art by Dare Coulter 5 stars Masterful. This book is hard-hitting, beautiful, powerful, hopeful, unabashed, and well-told. It acknowledges that the histories and realities of the past can be hard to face and difficult to discuss. But encourages us all to keep fighting for a better future. A story of hope and hardship, of remembering…

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Oona and the Shark by Kelly DiPucchio

Illustrated by Raissa Figueroa 3 stars I enjoyed this one more than the first book. As with the first one, Figueroa’s illustrations are fantastic. It was really fun to see all of Oona’s inventions and I loved all of the unique details included. In this one, Oona attempts to befriend a quiet shark. Nice way…

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Oona by Kelly DiPucchio

Illustrated by Raissa Figueroa 2 stars This one is a bit hard to rate. The illustrations are perfect. Absolutely beautiful. I loved all the details, seeing Oona’s creative thinking, and the way Figueroa brought her world to life. Always wonderful to see a Black mermaid as well. The story for me was really confusing. It…

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The Legend of Grimm’s Woods (Hocus & Poucs #1)

by Manuro Illustrated by Gorobei Translated by Mélanie Strang-Hardy 3.5 stars A fun adventure that puts you in charge of where to go next. Follow either Hocus or Pocus as they explore Grimm’s Woods in search of missing children. Along the way, you’ll collect stars, answer riddles, play games, and keep your magical creature fed…

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Stacey’s Extraordinary Words by Stacey Abrams

Illustrated by Kitt Thomas 4 stars A sweet story about a love of words, perseverance, and using your words to help others. Stacey loves learning new words. When she’s asked to participate in a spelling bee, she jumps at the chance to learn even more. But will her fear of making a mistake get in…

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Hoop Dancer Determination (Jake Maddox Sports Stories)

by Stacy Wells Illustrated by Jesus Aburto 3 stars Nice story overall. Tobias loves hoop dancing, but is self-conscious about what his peers will think. Will he face his fears and showcase his skills at the talent show? A nice way to learn about some of the basics of hoop dancing. Tobias must deal with…

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Bodies are Cool by Tyler Feder

4 stars An energetic, rhythmic read to celebrate the human body. The simple text maintains an infectious rhythm and rhyme that is uplifting and fun. The words flow beautifully. And the detailed pictures pair wonderfully. Every character is completely unique. They vary in their skin tones, hair types, body sizes, clothing choices, and gender expressions….

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Wei Skates On by Nathan Chen

Illustrated by Lorraine Nam 5 stars A fantastic story about accepting your mistakes, working hard, and finding joy in doing what you love. A nice message that winning isn’t everything. The story doesn’t deny that winning feels good. But the emphasis is on doing what you love, trying your best, and making yourself proud. The…

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