Lucy Lancaster Has a Secret by Willow Coven

Illustrated by Priscilla Burris 5 stars Lucy lives a normal life. She hangs out with her best friends, Heidi and Bruce, goes to school, and puts up with rude classmates. But something strange is going on. Every time Lucy hiccups, odd things start happening. Are her hiccups the cause or is it all just a…

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Rarity’s Charity by G. M. Berrow

3 stars An early chapter book adaptation of My Little Pony: Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity. Rarity is excited for her new apprentice to arrive, but when Charity takes her idolization of Rarity too far, Rarity must figure out how to be the mentor Charity actually needs. While it’s the same story, the chapters…

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Wildfire Rescue (Disaster Squad #1) by Rekha S. Rajan

Illustrated by Courtney Lovett 3 stars A fun read overall. Honestly, the setup was a little weird to me. A journalist and a doctor drive around the country in their RV with their two young children and their dog helping out with various natural disasters. It seemed odd that Jaden and Leela would go along…

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Grilled Cheese and Dragons (Princess Pulverizer #1) by Nancy Krulik

Illustrated by Ben Balistreri 4 stars I loved this book! Action, adventure, and humor. Princess Pulverizer does not want to be a princess. She’d rather be a knight. In order to attend Knight School, she must first complete a Quest of Kindness to prove herself. I always love an unconventional princess and Princess Pulverizer is…

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Henry, Like Always by Jenn Bailey

Illustrated by Mika Song 3 stars A follow-up early chapter book to the picture book, A Friend for Henry. One day at school, Henry’s teacher tells the class that they will have a parade on Friday. But that means changing their weekly schedule. Henry soon becomes frustrated by the changing rules, the loudness of the parade…

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Sejal Sinha Battles Superstorms (Sejal Sinha #1) by Maya Prasad

Illustrated by Abira Das 4 stars A fun adventure that nicely blends magic and science. Sejal loves science. With the help of some cardboard box magic, she’s always ready for adventure. When a big storm threatens the Diwali celebration, Sejal teams up with her cousin, Mira, her little brother, Abu, and her sidekick, Professor Cheetah,…

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My Bunkmate Hates Puppies (Camp Lil’Vills #1) by Sam Hay

Illustrated by Ria Maria Lee 2 stars Welcome to Lilliputian Villages Summer Camp a.k.a. Camp Lil’Vills where there are plenty of magical surprises in store for the campers. Bloom, the daughter of an ex-evil sorcerer, helps new campers settle in. But when she meets her new bunkmate, Cruella, she’s unsure if camp is the right…

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