We Are a Song by Lorian Tu

4 stars A touching tale of all the individual pieces that come together to make a family. Arturo and Emilyn visit their family members to pick up supplies for a party. Along the way, they cherish the different elements of their Chinese and Cuban heritage and find inspiration for a poem. Such a sweet story….

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American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

4 stars A powerful story with unforgettable characters. Alternating between three tales, follow three very different characters as they try to fit into the world around them. Jin Wang is the only Chinese-American student in a school that never lets him forget he’s different. The Monkey King masters various skills in order to distance himself…

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Wei Skates On by Nathan Chen

Illustrated by Lorraine Nam 5 stars A fantastic story about accepting your mistakes, working hard, and finding joy in doing what you love. A nice message that winning isn’t everything. The story doesn’t deny that winning feels good. But the emphasis is on doing what you love, trying your best, and making yourself proud. The…

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Meesh the Bad Demon (Meesh the Bad Demon #1)

3.5 stars by Michelle Lam Meesh has little interest in being a demon. She spends more time watching her favorite show following the fairy princess, Nouna, and talking to flowers than breathing fire and puking acid. But when a new threat puts Mount Magma in danger, Meesh sets out to find help, learning to embrace…

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Marshmallow & Jordan by Alina Chau

4 stars A passionate athlete, a mysterious elephant, a prolonged drought, and a new interest that may divide friendships. When Jordan can no longer compete on the basketball team, she tries out water polo. But doing so means Jordan has to choose between getting better at water polo or keeping up with her friends on…

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A Sweet New Year for Ren

by Michelle Sterling Illustrated by Dung Ho 3 stars A deliciously sweet story for a sweet new year. Every year, Ren hopes she can finally help make pineapple cakes for Lunar New Year. Will this be her year? A delightful story with wonderfully warm illustrations. Nice scenes of togetherness and moments of sharing and teaching….

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Dragon Noodle Party: A Story of Chinese Zodiac Animals

by Ying Chang Compestine Illustrated by Paula Pang 4 stars A sweet story about the animals of the Chinese zodiac preparing for a party. While the book is simple, it is a pleasure to read, especially for a young audience. The illustrations are delightful. Works well for discussing the Chinese zodiac, various animals, action labels,…

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Dragon Dancer by Joyce Ching

Illustrated by Jérémy Pailler 4 stars A stunning story that visually represents the scaring away of bad luck and welcoming the new year. The story follows Yao and his first dance with the sky dragon, Shen Long. Together they chase away the bad luck and bring good luck to their community. Pailler’s artwork is absolutely…

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Friends Are Friends, Forever by Dane Liu

Illustrated by Lynn Scurfield 5 stars A beautiful story of friendship, sharing traditions, and making new connections. This was such a sweet book. Best friends Dandan and Yueyue spend one last Lunar New Year together before Dandan moves to America. Before she leaves, Yueyue gives Dandan a special gift and an important message. In America,…

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The Runaway Wok by Ying Chang Compestine

Illustrated by Sebastià Serra 4 stars A humorous retelling of The Talking Pot with a Robin-Hood-style twist that emphasizes sharing without others. Ming’s mother sends him to market to trade eggs for rice to make a Spring Festival meal to share with their neighbors. But when Ming meets a man offering a rusty wok, he strikes an…

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