The Jumbies (The Jumbies #1) by Tracey Baptiste

4 stars An interesting read filled with magic, adventure, and elements of Haitian folklore. As Baptiste points out in her Author’s note, in comparison to European fairy tales, there are not a lot of Haitian folklore and jumbie fairy tales in mainstream literature. It’s great to see this series start to fill that gap. The…

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Aquicorn Cove by Kay O’Neill

5 stars While I am waiting (not so patiently) for the release of Tea Dragon Festival, I have started reading the rest of the books Kay O’Neill has worked on, because I absolutely love their ideas and artwork. This one is one of my favorites. A) It is gorgeous. The artwork is simply amazing.  B) Wonderful…

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The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O’Neill

4 stars Such a beautiful book. Strangely enough, I actually started reading this online over X-mas. I had finished the first chapter (and was loving it) when I found a physical copy at the library. I really enjoyed reading it and the huge pages of the physical book really allow you to get lost in…

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The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black

3 stars This is just one of those books that is super difficult to review. Overall, it was good. I think my downfall was reading The Darkest Part of the Forest before this one. I absolutely loved that book. It was amazing. I loved everything about it. When I figured out this series was set in the…

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Nimona by ND Stevenson

3 stars A story of shapeshifters, villains, and heroes. It’s up to the reader to decide who is who. I initially read this a few years ago and thought it was okay. With the release of the film, I was interested in revisiting it. I did like it better the second time. The film is…

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The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy

5 stars I stumbled across my copy of this book while cleaning out my mother’s attic. I used to read it all the time as a child. I was fascinated with the story. I even remember watching the film version of it and dreaming about being a witch. Rereading it, I loved it just as…

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A Bad Spell for the Worst Witch by Jill Murphy

4 stars I really love this series. This is a great addition to it. Very silly and entertaining. You just can’t help but like Mildred Hubble. This is a pretty quick read filled with lots of adventure. I really enjoy Murphy’s humor. I’m also super pumped that there is a Worst Witch series on Netflix….

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The Worst Witch All a Sea by Jill Murphy

4 stars Another great book in the Worst Witch series. I really enjoy this series. Mildred’s character is very likeable and it is interesting to read about all of the adventures she has and the trouble she finds herself in. Simply language, but a nice adventure story. The ending was a bit predictable, but I…

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Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke

5 stars  Fantastic read. I really enjoyed this book. I was a bit hesitant to read it after I read Inkheart earlier this year. I loved Inkheart, but it took me a while to get into it. This one, however, had me hooked at page one. This is a great adventure tale. In comparison to…

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