Wangari Maathai: The Woman Who Planted Millions of Trees

by Franck Prévot Illustrated by Aurélia Fronty Translated by Dominique Clément 5 stars Originally published in French, this wonderful picture book biography celebrates the life of Wangari Maathai and her impact on the world. The book follows Maathai’s childhood in Kenya, her atypical education, founding the Green Belt Movement, and her activism to promote environmentalism,…

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Taxi Ghost by Sophie Escabasse

4 stars An adorable story about a young medium coming into her powers and the fight to save a neighborhood. When Adèle starts seeing ghosts, she doesn’t know what to think. Until her family reveals they come from a long line of mediums. Her grandmother advises her not to interact with the ghosts, but they…

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My First Indoor Garden: Everything You Need to Know to Grow Little Houseplants

by Philippe Asseray Illustrated by Charlène Tong Translated by Grace McQuillan 4 stars A nice little intro to growing indoor plants. The book goes through the basics such as tools needed, best placement practices, watering techniques, fertilizing, and repotting. It provides information about a variety of houseplants including carnivorous plants, water lilies, cacti, mushrooms, and…

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Tap! Tap! Tap!: Dance! Dance! Dance! by Hervé Tullet

3 stars A fun, interactive book that sends your hands dancing. The book becomes the dance floor and you are the star. Turn the page and follow the actions to explore movement, creativity, and art. Great for learning and practicing verbs such as twirl, bounce, weave, freeze, and fall, adjectives like light, wild, big, small,…

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The Race by Édouard Manceau

Translated by Sarah Quinn 3 stars A strange but entertaining read. Manceau describes a race between caribou from an outsider’s perspective who knows nothing about races. This leads to some humorous descriptions and interpretations (the finish line, the starting pistol, the lineup at the start of the race). The pictures are fun and give a…

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The Legend of Grimm’s Woods (Hocus & Poucs #1)

by Manuro Illustrated by Gorobei Translated by Mélanie Strang-Hardy 3.5 stars A fun adventure that puts you in charge of where to go next. Follow either Hocus or Pocus as they explore Grimm’s Woods in search of missing children. Along the way, you’ll collect stars, answer riddles, play games, and keep your magical creature fed…

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Invisible Differences: A Story of Asperger’s, Adulting, and Living a Life in Full Color

Story by Julie Dachez Illustrated by Mademoiselle Caroline In collaboration with Fabienne Vaslet Translated by Edward Gauvin 4 stars This graphic memoir follows Marguerite through her daily life, showing her routines and interactions. No matter how hard she tries, Marguerite doesn’t feel like she quite fits. When she’s diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, suddenly everything comes…

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Aster and the Mixed-Up Magic (Aster, #2) by Thom Pico

Illustrated by Karensac 5 stars A wonderful follow-up to Aster’s adventures in book one. This volume includes new perils, some familiar characters, and tons of adventure. As with the first book, this one is broken into two interconnected tales, each with magic, danger, and Aster’s quick-thinking. Karensac’s artwork is spectacular. Loved seeing new character designs…

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Aster and the Accidental Magic (Aster #1) by Thom Pico

Illustrated by Karensac 5 stars A fantastic adventure with some serious Hildafolk vibes and a charm all its own. As a sort of inverse to Hilda, the sassy and sarcastic Aster moves from the city to what she sees as the boring wilderness with nothing to do. However, this wilderness is not all it seems. As Aster…

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