Be Gay, Do Comics

Featuring Dorian Alexander, Archie Bongiovanni, Sage Coffey, Shelby Criswell, Dylan Edwards, Julia Bernhard, JB Brager, Rosa Colon Guerra, Max Dlabick, Trinidad Escobar, Mady G, Alex Graudins, Binglin Hu, Shing Yin Khor, Kazimir Lee, Melanie Gillman, Levi Hastings, Robyn Jordan, Maia Kobabe, Matt Lubchansky, Mariah-Rose Marie, Jason Michaels, Sfe R. Monster, Breena Nunez, Elisabet Run, Ria…

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Grace Needs Space! by Benjamin A. Wilgus

Illustrated by Rii Abrego 3 stars A sweet, gentle story. Grace lives on a space station with her mother, Evelyn. But she longs for exploration and adventure. So when she plans to accompany her mom, Kendra, on a trip to Titan, she can’t wait. But when Kendra gets caught up with work, Grace take matters…

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That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story

by Huda Fahmy 5 stars A sweet, humorous story about Fahmy’s journey though the pressure to get married, incompatible suitors, and finally meeting her husband. The story goes through various rules of Islam related to interpersonal relationships and some of the innerworkings of arranged marriages. It offers a first-hand, positive experience with arranged marriage, corrects…

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Mary Anning and the Great Fossil Discoveries

by Jordi Bayarri Translated by Sofia Huitron Martinez 2 stars This is the first book I’ve read in the GraphicScience Biographies series. The book goes through various events in Mary Anning’s life, sharing interesting stories, connections she made, and some of her wonderful discoveries and contributions to science. Touches on some of the hardships in…

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Taproot: A Story About a Gardener and a Ghost by Keezy Young

3.5 stars A truly beautiful book. I loved the aesthetic. Ghosts, gardens, romance, and necromancy. A winning combination. The story itself was a bit disjointed. The connections in the second half weren’t very clear. Honestly, I’m not mad about it though. I was perfectly content to be along for the ride. The characters are all…

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Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me

by Mariko Tamaki Illustrated by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell 2 stars A slow-paced story about what happens when the power of love works against you and how it can overshadow other aspects of your life. Freddy loves Laura Dean. But their on-again-off-again relationship leaves her confused and wondering, is it worth staying with someone you love if…

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Cursed Princess Club Volume One by LambCat

5 stars Such a fun read! I initially started reading this on Webtoon. While I miss the awesome soundtrack from the digital version, it was nice to read it as a full-sized book to really get swept up in the storytelling and visuals. The artwork is wonderful. Humorous, glamorous, sweet, adorable, with excellent creepiness splashed…

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The Legend of Grimm’s Woods (Hocus & Poucs #1)

by Manuro Illustrated by Gorobei Translated by Mélanie Strang-Hardy 3.5 stars A fun adventure that puts you in charge of where to go next. Follow either Hocus or Pocus as they explore Grimm’s Woods in search of missing children. Along the way, you’ll collect stars, answer riddles, play games, and keep your magical creature fed…

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American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

4 stars A powerful story with unforgettable characters. Alternating between three tales, follow three very different characters as they try to fit into the world around them. Jin Wang is the only Chinese-American student in a school that never lets him forget he’s different. The Monkey King masters various skills in order to distance himself…

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Sir Ladybug (Sir Ladybug #1) by Corey R. Tabor

4 stars An adorable adventure of new friendships, open communication, compromise, helping others, and doing what scares you. Sir Ladybug and his herald, Pell, and squire, Sterling, are called upon to help a caterpillar in distress. But will a hungry chickadee be the end of our heroes? Fun humor with plenty of puns and jokes….

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