Rose Quartz: Poems by Sasha taqwšəblu LaPointe

4 stars Gorgeous and haunting. A powerful collection of poems that spin vivid stories and lush imagery. LaPointe pulls from fairy tales, the natural world, the punk scene, and the Lushootseed language. The collection centers around pain, loss, trauma, heritage, resilience, and healing. A fascinating collection that is beautiful, heartbreaking, and fierce. Goodreads

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The Ogre’s Wife by Ron Koertge

1 star I was drawn in by the surreal cover art and the promise of fairy tale retellings. Okay poetry. Generally not really my style. Quiet a few weird and downright creepy descriptions of women, which didn’t appeal to me. A few odd poems touching on race, class, and houselessness with messages that don’t feel…

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Once Upon a Zombie: Tales for Brave Readers by Deborah Underwood

Illustrated by Kaley McCabe 5 stars A hilarious early reader perfect for those looking for spooky stories with more humor than scares. Features three zombie-themed fairy tales: “Little Red Zombie”, “Hansel and Gretel Zombie”, and “Three Little Zombies”, perfect for zombie bedtime stories. Cute, spooky artwork featuring eyeballs, brains, and fairy tale characters fed with…

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Hansel & Gretel by Neil Gaiman

Art by Lorenzo Mattotti 3 stars Nicely told. This is a pretty standard version of the Hansel and Gretel story. We get all the elements we’ve come to expect: the siblings abandoned in the woods, the trails of stones and breadcrumbs, the house made of gingerbread, and the hungry old woman in the forest. Lorenzo…

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The Legend of Grimm’s Woods (Hocus & Poucs #1)

by Manuro Illustrated by Gorobei Translated by Mélanie Strang-Hardy 3.5 stars A fun adventure that puts you in charge of where to go next. Follow either Hocus or Pocus as they explore Grimm’s Woods in search of missing children. Along the way, you’ll collect stars, answer riddles, play games, and keep your magical creature fed…

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