Beanie the Bansheenie by Eoin Colfer

Illustrated by Steve McCarthy 5 stars The sweetest book about banshees that I have ever read. Bansheenies (baby banshees) typically bond with the first person they see, allowing them to learn when that person will die. Through happenstance, Beanie’s story is not quite so straightforward. Instead of simply telling her human, Rose, when her death…

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The Art of WolfWalkers

by Charles Solomon 4 stars A captivating, behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Cartoon Saloon’s WolfWalkers. This book is stunning. Cartoon Saloon always sets the bar high for hand-drawn animation. Seeing still-images, sketches, inspiration artwork, and parts of the process was absolutely breathtaking. Solomon provides splendid insight including quotes from interviews with over 30 artists,…

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The Searcher (Audiobook) by Tana French, Read by Roger Clark

3 stars Listened to for my library’s book club. There were parts I liked and parts that weren’t for me. The pace of the book is quite leisurely. Things unfold in their own time and there is quite a bit of description and getting lost in the main character’s thoughts. None of this is necessarily…

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