Dungeon Critters by Natalie Riess and Sara Goetter

5 stars Action, adventure, mystery, drama, humor, and a bit of adorable romance. This Dungeons-and-Dragons-style book has it all! Enter the fantasy world of an unnamed kingdom and join a group of friends on their quest to discover the truth behind an odd plant. This book was so much fun. Filled with supportive friendships, action…

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Heartstopper: Volume Four (Heartstopper #4) by Alice Oseman

5 stars Another fantastic volume in the Heartstopper series. This one is heavier than the previous volumes. While the others tend to be sweet with a hint of hardship, this one really focuses on the hardships of life and relationships. It deals with some serious topics including mental health, specifically eating disorders and references to…

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I Am Not Starfire by Mariko Tamaki

Illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani 3 stars A fun spin on the Titans. Nice mix of daily life and superhero escapades. Works well for those who are at least vaguely aware of the DC characters and are accepting of changes to the universe. The story follows Mandy, who sees herself as the opposite of her mother,…

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You Don’t Know Everything, Jilly P! by Alex Gino

4 stars A powerful read about friendship and family with an emphasis on the continuous learning and action against prejudice, specifically racism and ableism. Nicely written. This book tackles quite a bit. From police shootings and microaggressions, to dissuading Deaf individuals from using ASL, to family making (intentional and unintentional) racist remarks. While it is…

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Even Though I Knew the End by C. L. Polk

5 stars Gonna keep this one short and sweet because I have nothing but wonderful things to say about this book. What an incredible read! Even with its short length, Polk packs an entire world into this book. They really made every word count and I loved every moment of it. A fantastic noir with…

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The Heartstopper Yearbook by Alice Oseman

4 stars While I love the Heartstopper series, I wasn’t sure a companion art book would live up to it content-wise. I’m so glad I was wrong. I enjoyed this more than I initially thought I would. The book contains profiles of the characters, family trees, mini-comics, and themed artwork for different holidays and seasons….

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The Woman in the Woods and Other North American Stories

5 stars A fantastic collection of comics that center around Indigenous folklore. Each story has its own unique spin. Some are framed as a story told to another, while others throw the reader right into the action of the tale itself. Great variety of story and illustrative styles. A fun mix of traditional stories and…

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Coming Back by Jessi Zabarsky

4 stars A gorgeous graphic novel that features two adventures for the price of one. Preet has powerful magic that she uses to help the village. Valissa is the librarian who guards the village’s history, stories, and traditions. But when an unexpected danger arrives, the two must part ways and embark on their own journeys…

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