Living With… Asthma by Nancy Dickmann

with consultant Marjorie Hogan, MD 3 stars An interesting non-fiction picture book about asthma. The book covers what causes asthma, testing for asthma, how it relates to allergies, and how they are treated. The content is simplified for a young audience. The book is formatted with short breakout sections with interesting information, charts, bolded terms…

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Living With… Allergies by Nancy Dickmann

with consultant Marjorie Hogan, MD 3 stars An interesting non-fiction picture book about allergies. The book covers what causes allergies, common allergens, various symptoms, and how they are treated. The content is simplified for a young audience. It goes through various concepts such as allergens in an easy to understand way. The book is formatted…

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If Sharks Disappeared by Lily Williams

4 stars In this nonfiction picture book, Williams discusses the role of sharks in the oceans and what could possibly happen if sharks went extinct. Wonderful to see sharks presented beyond a scary element. The text is simple, breaking down a complex system into something more easily digestible for a young audience. There are more…

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