Love without Bounds: An IntersectionAllies Book about Families

by Drs. Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council, and Carolyn Choi Illustrated by Ashley Seil Smith 4 stars A wonderful exploration of some of the different ways people can be part of a family told through rhyming narration. Each page spread introduces readers to a new family who represents different concepts. The book shows different types of…

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My Shadow is Pink by Scott Stuart

3 stars A sweet representation of being your full self. It’s about liking what you like and not worrying about how your interests fit into gender norms. Nicely highlights how interests and activities are not only for one gender or type of person, though it does still seem to come from a binary perspective. The…

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Slumbering Beauty, Vol. 2 by Yumi Unita

Translated by Angela Liu 4 stars A fitting conclusion to the story of Yoneko, her friendship with Nerimu, and her unconventional apprenticeship as a slumber spirit. In this volume, we really see Yoneko debating whether she’d like to be a slumber spirit or not. I absolutely loved her connection with Nerimu and how it builds…

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Because I Already Loved You by Andrée-Anne Cyr

Illustrated by Bérengère Delaporte Translated by Karen Li 3.5 stars Told from the perspective of a child, this book is a touching story of grief, loss, and recovery. Everyone is excited about the new baby. They all prepare for the upcoming arrival. But when his parents come home from the hospital without his new sibling,…

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All’s Faire in Middle School by Victoria Jamieson

4 stars An entertaining read about fighting the dragons in your life, both real and metaphorical, and living up to your dreams of becoming a knight. There are a lot of exciting changes happening in Imogene’s life. After being homeschooled, she starts middle school and becomes a squire-in-training at the Renaissance Faire where her parents…

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Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice

by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins, and Ann Hazzard Illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin 4 stars A nice resource to guide discussions of race, discrimination, and police brutality. The fictional story follows conversations between two families, one White and one Black. These conversations bring up various issues such as racism, discrimination, fairness, and slavery, demonstrating the different…

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