ARTificial Intelligence by David Biedrzycki

4 stars Absolutely adorable! Robot has always been different. But it isn’t until he experiences the magic of art that he finds an outlet for his ambitions. Follow Robot as he navigates the strict dynamics within the warehouse where he works and the beauty of the world beyond. Such a sweet story. I love the…

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Barefoot Skateboarders by Rina Singh

Illustrated by Sophie Casson 5 stars A fantastic story of how a village in Janwaar, India was transformed by a skate park. In Janwaar, there is a firm divide between the Adivasis and the Yadavs. But as children from both groups gather at the new skate park and make their own rules, that divide starts…

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Serendipity by Stephen Cosgrove

Illustrated by Robin James 5 stars Pure magic! After spending years on an iceberg, a mysterious egg hatches and a curious sea creature is born. Not knowing who or what she is, she journeys to the Island of Capri for answers. Along the way, she meets new friends, helps others, and learns about the troubles…

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Quiet Karima by Nidhi Chanani

3 stars “Without silence, there’s no music.” A sweet story celebrating sound and silence. Follow Karima as she goes about her day, taking in the sounds of the world. Though everyone calls her Quiet Karima, that is not all she is. Being quiet allows her to hear the music all around her and to create…

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Emilio Sloth’s Modern Manners by Renée Ahdieh

Illustrated by Alea Marley 3 stars A cute picture book that celebrates friendship, taking your time, and minding your manners. Follow Emilio Sloth on his journey to meet a friend for teatime. Along the way, he greets old friends and makes new ones, always polite and mindful of being on time. Goes through some polite…

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Things that Go Bump in the Day

by Melinda Beatty Illustrated by Charlene Chua 3.5 stars A sweet little story about an adorable vampire child trying to get some sleep and his ever-reassuring mother explaining away the sounds in the day. A cute bedtime story full of humor. Nicely written. I really enjoyed the spin on what noises would be scary to…

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: My Cabbages!

By Rebecca Gyllenhaal and Jessica Yang Illustrated by Bonnie Pang Based on the animated series by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko 5 stars Absolutely hilarious. Follow Aang and his friends’ journey to defeat the Fire Lord from the perspective of Merchant Cai, the cabbage merchant. Cai dreams of selling his cabbages throughout the Earth…

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Bella Ballerina by Sharon M. Draper

Illustrated by Ebony Glenn 3 stars A cute, rhyming picture book following a young ballerina’s first recital. Gorgeous illustrations with lovely movement. I love that the dancers include both girls and boys with different skin tones and hair textures. At the back there is a glossary of the terms used in the book including different…

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The Girl Who Figured It Out: The Inspiring True Story of Wheelchair Athlete Minda Dentler Becoming an Ironman World Champion

by Minda Dentler Illustrated by Stephanie Dehennin 5 stars A fantastically told story of Dentler’s journey to becoming the first female wheelchair athlete to complete the Ironman World Championship. The book follows major events in Dentler’s life including her childhood in India, contracting polio, being adopted and living in America, pushing herself to do things…

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Prunella by Beth Ferry

Illustrated by Claire Keane 5 stars Absolutely adorable. A gorgeously-illustrated tale of being yourself, following your passions, and finding your people. To the surprise of her green-thumbed parents, Prunella was born with a purple thumb. While she loves all things prickly, sticky, stinky, and odd, the other children don’t share her interests. So Prunella makes…

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