Marley’s Pride by Joëlle Retener

Illustrated by DeAnn Wiley 5 stars An adorable story highlighting that there is no right or wrong way to celebrate Pride. Marley’s grandparent Zaza is getting ready for the Pride celebration where they will receive an award. Marley wants to be there with them, but the crowds and noise make them nervous. With the support…

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A Song for Nolan by Rushie Ellenwood

Illustrated by Sally Chen 3 stars Nolan is excited to attend a friend’s birthday party at the roller rink. They pick out the perfect outfit and are ready for the festivities. But when the DJ announces “boys skate” and “girls skate”, Nolan doesn’t feel they belong. Based on a true story, this book is nice…

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Witchy, Volume 1 by Ariel Slamet Ries

4 stars Hyalin is a magical world where witches’ hair length indicates their power. But those whose hair is deemed too long are declared enemies of the kingdom and annihilated. Years ago, Nyneve’s father met such a fate. Now she is determine to keep under the radar of the conscription officials and hide her true…

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Tasty: A History of Yummy Experiments by Victoria Grace Elliott

5 stars A fun adventure into the world of food. Join a team of sprites as they dive into various dishes and ingredients including cheese, pizza, pickles, soda, easy food, and gelatin. They explore written history around the globe to learn about how items were created and how they have changed over time. Along the…

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Be Gay, Do Comics

Featuring Dorian Alexander, Archie Bongiovanni, Sage Coffey, Shelby Criswell, Dylan Edwards, Julia Bernhard, JB Brager, Rosa Colon Guerra, Max Dlabick, Trinidad Escobar, Mady G, Alex Graudins, Binglin Hu, Shing Yin Khor, Kazimir Lee, Melanie Gillman, Levi Hastings, Robyn Jordan, Maia Kobabe, Matt Lubchansky, Mariah-Rose Marie, Jason Michaels, Sfe R. Monster, Breena Nunez, Elisabet Run, Ria…

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The Good Hair Day by Christian Trimmer

Illustrated by J Yang 4 stars Such a sweet story. What Noah wants more than anything is long hair. But he isn’t sure if he can ask for it. Most of the boys and men in his life have short hair. Will he get the courage to ask to grow out his hair in time…

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