The Girl Who Married a Skull and Other African Stories

3 stars I recently read The Woman in the Woods and Other North American Stories and absolutely loved it. So, I thought I’d read some of the earlier collections in the series. What I loved about The Woman in the Woods is that it showcases a variety of indigenous authors and artists. As far as I can…

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All’s Faire in Middle School by Victoria Jamieson

4 stars An entertaining read about fighting the dragons in your life, both real and metaphorical, and living up to your dreams of becoming a knight. There are a lot of exciting changes happening in Imogene’s life. After being homeschooled, she starts middle school and becomes a squire-in-training at the Renaissance Faire where her parents…

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Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice

by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins, and Ann Hazzard Illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin 4 stars A nice resource to guide discussions of race, discrimination, and police brutality. The fictional story follows conversations between two families, one White and one Black. These conversations bring up various issues such as racism, discrimination, fairness, and slavery, demonstrating the different…

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Heartstopper: Volume Four (Heartstopper #4) by Alice Oseman

5 stars Another fantastic volume in the Heartstopper series. This one is heavier than the previous volumes. While the others tend to be sweet with a hint of hardship, this one really focuses on the hardships of life and relationships. It deals with some serious topics including mental health, specifically eating disorders and references to…

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Gravity Falls: Journal 3 by Alex Hirsch and Rob Renzetti

Illustrated by Andy Gonsalves and Stephanie Ramirez 5 stars A fantastic tie-in for fans of Gravity Falls. Such a fun read filled with mystery, adventure, and oddity. This replica of Journal 3 is packed with information about the original author’s research as well as the continued adventures of the Gravity Falls gang as featured in…

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The Seven Chinese Siters by Kathy Tucker

Illustrated by Grace Lin 3 stars A sweet story following a group of sisters, each with a special talent. When Seventh Sister is taken by a hungry dragon, the others team up to rescue her, each contributing their skill. Lin’s illustrations are gorgeous. Dynamic artwork with splendid color and detail. While the sisters look similar…

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The Seven Chinese Brothers by Margaret Mahy

Illustrated by Jean and Mou-sien Tseng 4 stars A beautiful reimagining of the Han tale of The Seven Brothers. This serves as a nice alternative to The Five Chinese Brothers with detailed illustrations and a full color pallet. In this version, the seven brothers learn that Emperor Ch’in Shih Huang is making people work day and night…

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Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

5 stars A powerful novel-in-verse that takes on the cycle of violence and vengeance. A non-traditional ghost story that follows Will who seeks revenge after his brother’s murder. The majority of the story takes place in the 16 seconds it takes to ride the elevator to the lobby. In that time, Reynolds grabs the reader’s…

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Alphabedtime by Susanna Leonard Hill

Illustrated by Betsy Snyder 5 stars An absolutely adorable book. It’s fun rhyme scheme makes it perfect for reading aloud. Follow the Alphababies as they get ready for bed. From the toothbrush line to bath time to snuggling into their jammies, join the 26 children in their bedtime routine. I loved all the details packed…

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The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels

by Beth Lincoln Illustrated by Claire Powell 5 stars An absolutely fantastic read. Lincoln creates a fun blend of The Westing Game and Lemony Snicket with a style and characters all her own. Each member of the Swift family is named by the Family Dictionary with the expectation they will live up to their name. But Shenanigan isn’t so…

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