Care Bears: Unlock the Magic by Matthew Erman & Nadia Shammas

Illustrated by Agnes Garbowska 3 stars A cute spin-off of the 2019 show. I actually didn’t know about the show before reading this and have since watched a few episodes. The graphic novel seems pretty true to the characters and setting. The artwork is super cute. Really fun visuals. On the wordy side, but the…

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Dragonbreath (Dragonbreath #1) by Ursula Vernon

2.5 stars A fun story that takes readers to the ocean depths to learn about life under the sea. After getting an F on a paper, Danny does some field research with the help of his best friend, Wendell, and his cousin, Edward. Together, they explore the Sargasso Sea, search for treasure in a sunken…

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Bera the One-Headed Troll by Eric Orchard

5 stars A reluctant hero, a lost baby, and a witch who will do anything to find them. I loved everything about this. Wonderful artwork with a perfect blend of weird, sweet, spooky, and beautiful. Bera is a pumpkin farmer who lives on an island with her loyal owl friend, Winslowe. After rescuing a human…

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Burt the Beetle Lives Here! (Burt the Beetle #2)

by Ashley Spires 4 stars Burt’s used to sheltering under leaves, but when he sees the cool homes other insects create, he sets out to find the perfect one for himself. Will he find shelter in time? An engaging story that works in interesting nonfiction information. Learn about why insects need homes in the first…

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Ember and the Island of Lost Creatures

by Jason Pamment 5 stars bsolutely stunning! The artwork is gorgeous. The story is heartwarming. I loved the world Pamment created. A fun adventure filled with new friendships, found family, and discovering your place in the world. Perfect for fans of The Stonekeeper series who are looking for a relaxing read. A gorgeous book with a story…

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The Sheep, the Rooster, and the Duck by Matt Phelan

3 stars A tale of secret societies, spies, fantastic inventions, and flight. Adventure, humor, and history combine as the story interworks historical events with fantastical elements. A fun blend of text and illustrations to advance the story. A historical flight taken by a sheep, a rooster, and a duck; a plot to steal the plans…

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Sir Ladybug (Sir Ladybug #1) by Corey R. Tabor

4 stars An adorable adventure of new friendships, open communication, compromise, helping others, and doing what scares you. Sir Ladybug and his herald, Pell, and squire, Sterling, are called upon to help a caterpillar in distress. But will a hungry chickadee be the end of our heroes? Fun humor with plenty of puns and jokes….

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Mothman Baby! by Elias Barks

Illustrated by Zoe Persico 4 stars Another sweet bedtime board book from Hazy Dell Press. In this one, join Mothman Baby as he swoops through West Virginia, visiting friends and doing good deeds. Adorable illustrations. Rhythmic, rhyming text. And a paranormal nighttime journey. The book features 6 chunky flaps to open to reveal strange happenings…

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Hobgoblin and the Seven Stinkers of Rancidia (Hazy Fables #1)

by Kyle Sullivan Art by Derek Sullvian 3 stars A hilarious adventure featuring a foul-smelling protagonist, a stinky take on a classic fairy tale, and a daring plot to reinstate democracy in Rancidia. This book was delightfully gross. Perfect for fans of the style of humor of The Adventures of Captain Underpants and The Day My Butt Went…

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Dungeon Critters by Natalie Riess and Sara Goetter

5 stars Action, adventure, mystery, drama, humor, and a bit of adorable romance. This Dungeons-and-Dragons-style book has it all! Enter the fantasy world of an unnamed kingdom and join a group of friends on their quest to discover the truth behind an odd plant. This book was so much fun. Filled with supportive friendships, action…

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