Ghostwriter: Alien Alert by Susan Korman

Illustrated by Dan Krovatin 2.5 stars Aliens, time travel, and a mystery-solving ghost. An interesting entry in the Ghostwriter series. It’s the day before Halloween in 1938, and cousins Emily and Sam are home alone. They’re listening to the radio when news of an alien invasion in their hometown breaks out. Can the Ghostwriter team…

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Thistlefoot by Gennarose Nethercott

4 stars Beautifully written. I absolutely love Nethercott’s writing style. Lyrical and stunning to visualize. Siblings Bellatine and Isaac haven’t seen each other in years, but reunite to claim a strange inheritance. They are both surprised to receive a house with chicken legs. Together they embark on a journey filled with unexpected encounters, close calls,…

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A Dreidel in Time: A New Spin on an Old Tale

by Marcia Berneger Illustrated by Beatriz Castro 3 stars A fun, quick read about the origins of Hanukkah complete with adventure and time travel. Reminiscent of the Magic Treehouse books. All Devorah and Benjamin want to do is open their Hanukkah presents. But they’re in for a surprise when their family gives them an old…

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Mother of Sharks by Melissa Cristina Márquez

Illustrated by Devin Elle Kurtz 3 stars A beautiful example of the power of representation and the joy of doing what you love. This book is an interesting mashup of a semi-autobiographical story mixed with magic and time travel. Meli loves exploring the waters of la Playita del Condado, especially the tidal pools. When she…

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A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories by Terry Pratchett

4 stars Perfectly Pratchett. A fantastic collection of fantasy and sci-fi stories featuring ghosts, dragons, wizards, talking animals, and time travelers. What a fun read. Its history is as interesting as the stories themselves. Loved diving into this collection of recently discovered stories, the majority originally published under the pseudonym Patrick Kearns. The collection features…

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