Mermaid and Pirate by Tracey Baptiste

Illustrated by Leisl Adams 3 stars A sweet picture book that shows that you can be friends even if you don’t speak the same language. The mermaid and the pirate both love storms. But when the pirate’s ship starts sinking, the mermaid rushes in to help. It doesn’t work out how either of them expect….

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The Talk: Conversations About Race, Love, & Truth

5 stars A fiercely powerful collection of prominent voices in the YA and children’s lit community. This is a book everyone should read. Regardless of race, ethnicity, skin color, age, religion. Everyone should read this book. Told from a variety of perspectives, each parent, author, artist, and educator gets at the same message of a…

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Looking for a Jumbie by Tracey Baptiste, Illustrated by Amber Ren

5 stars An impressive picture book debut from Tracey Baptiste, author of The Jumbies series, this gorgeous book weaves an enchanting tale of a moonlit stroll to find some jumbies. Great for those already familiar with jumbies as well as those experiencing them for the first time. Featuring a Douen, a Lagahoo, Mama D’Leau, and many more,…

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Rise of the Jumbies (The Jumbies #2) by Tracey Baptiste

3 stars A good follow up to the first book. This one starts off right where the last one ended. I was glad to see new characters and situations in this one. It is a completely new adventure while continuing elements and themes found in the previous book. While there are some explanations of what…

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The Jumbies (The Jumbies #1) by Tracey Baptiste

4 stars An interesting read filled with magic, adventure, and elements of Haitian folklore. As Baptiste points out in her Author’s note, in comparison to European fairy tales, there are not a lot of Haitian folklore and jumbie fairy tales in mainstream literature. It’s great to see this series start to fill that gap. The…

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