Greta and the Giants by Zoë Tucker, Illustrated by Zoe Persico

4 stars An allegorical tale of Greta Thunberg’s activism and how she’s inspired others to stand up to demand change. The use of talking animals and literal giants helps make this engaging for young children while sticking to its message of environmentalism. Though the characters are small compared to the giants, when they come together…

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When We Make It by Elisabet Velasquez

5 stars A powerful novel in verse that proves you are more than the hardships you have faced. I’d recommend looking at the trigger warnings before going in to this as there are quite a few traumatic events that occur. These include rape, food insecurity, homelessness, drug overdose, and police brutality. This book may not…

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Pashmina by Nidhi Chanani

4 stars A heartwarming and magical tale that explores family structures, fantasy versus reality, and self-discovery. Mystery, secrets, and magic combine to explore some of the complexities of growing up and coming into one’s self. The majority of the book is in black and white, which makes the full-color fantasy scenes even more magical. The…

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Like a Girl by Lori Degman, Illustrated by Mara Penny

4 stars A lovely picture book packed with historical trailblazers that changed the world. I love how this book reclaimed the phrase, “like a girl”, and gave it a positive spin. It does an excellent job of showing some of the women who have made their mark on history as well as inspiring a new…

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Feminist Baby by Loryn Brantz

4 stars A very cute, short-and-sweet book about a baby who makes her own choices. This is a great way to incorporate feminism into young children’s lives. The pictures are hilarious and the things Feminist Baby likes are very relatable (liking pink and blue, liking dolls and cars, liking to make noise). A wonderful book…

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Feminist Baby Finds Her Voice! by Loryn Brantz

4 stars Hilarious and fun! Great for fans of the first book. Feminist Baby is getting older. She’s learning to talk and assert herself. Sometimes that means declaring “No bath” or asking for milk. Other times it’s demanding justice and equality. One page I really enjoyed was the reminder that even though it’s important to…

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