5 stars

If you’re going into this novel expecting it to be like the recent Netflix series, you will most likely be disappointed. While the series is based on the house featured in the book, it is a very different story.

However, I absolutely loved it. By today’s standards, this book isn’t scary. It is creepy and unsettling, which is what I love most about Jackson’s writing. Even when nothing is blatantly jumping out at you, her descriptions make you feel ill at ease and instantly understand how creepy it is to be inside Hill House. Her writing on the off angles that make of the house were so vivid and convincing that the narrative is very unsettling and there is such a creepy tone to the whole thing.

In terms of action, not a lot happens. The book is more focused on the characters, their various interactions, and their conflicts within themselves. This is what makes the novel so superb. It is so amazingly written and thought out. I was instantly pulled in by Eleanor’s character and the oddity of the house.

While the Netflix series is very different, I did really enjoy all of the little nods to the book like character names and the memorable cup of stars.

A fantastic read for those looking for a dark, unsettling, odd, weird, creepy tale.
